
How to Avoid Trust Litigation

Few areas of law engender as much uncertainty and animosity as trust and probate litigation. It can be especially painful because you find yourself in

Divorce & Anxiety…It’s Only Temporary

Understanding The Complexities of Divorce Few things inspire more anxiety than divorce court. Images of barracuda lawyers ready to spew truthless allegations about your marital

The Marital Home after the Divorce

When a marriage ends one of the biggest issues facing the ex-spouses is what to do with the marital home after the divorce. If they

$300K per month in spousal support?!

“Dr. Dre must pay $300K per month in spousal support?! That number can’t be right.” Social media was flooded with this type of response after

Is Divorce Mediation best for me?

Everyone wants to avoid litigation and its accompanying anxieties and inconveniences. Divorcing couples are no different. Some have chosen the alternative path of mediation and